Silverfish will be back after lockdown at 10.00am on Monday, 4th May, 2020.

Silverfish will be back after lockdown at 10.00am on Monday, 4th May, 2020.

Our website will also be re-launched too. (We were unable to service the online store during MCO because we couldn’t work in our store (no air-cond, no lights) so we put it under maintenance.
But first a small story by Machado de Assis.
This is an advice from a father to his son on his 21st birthday: “How to be a Bigwig” (VIP in our language). 
Father: "To me there is no career as useful or as fitting as that of a Bigwig … and you, my son ... seem to be endowed with the perfect degree of mental vacuity required by such noble profession." 
Then he goes on to give his son advise how avoid learning anything useful, and still look learned, avoid solitude in case it makes you think and to always repeat the same opinions of other people. Stick to cliches. Avoid intellectualism. Enter politics! 
My favourite bit, not surprisingly, is the one involving bookshops. 
Bookshops, he says “perhaps because of its studious atmosphere … are not suitable for our purpose. However, it can be worthwhile visiting them from time to time. As long as you make sure everyone sees you doing it … (and) solely to talk about the rumour of the day, the funny story of the week, some salacious affair or scandal, a passing comet …” 
Never buy a book or, God forbid, read one! 
What a father! Just like mine. He would have loved this story. 
Well, we'll open on Monday. We have disinfect the shop today and follow some SOPs. We need all the help to get back on our feet, so do come even if to “solely to talk about the rumour of the day, the funny story of the week, some salacious affair or scandal, a passing comet …” 
See you guys. You're all welcome. Really. Even if you’re a bigwig!
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